Passion Week
April 2nd - 9th
Palm Sunday
April 2nd - 8:30am + 10:30am (sanctuary)
Monday - Movie Night
April 3rd - Movie Night: Regal La Habra. Details TBD
Tuesday - Local Homes
April 4th - Meeting in local homes - 6pm (local homes)
Click here to sign-up to be assigned a home
Wednesday - Seder
April 5th - Seder Service - 7pm (sanctuary)
Thursday - Family Night
April 6th - Family Night Encouraged (your family at home)
Good Friday
April 7th - Good Friday Service - 7pm (service in the sanctuary, potluck at 5:30pm in the Cafe)
Easter Sunday
April 9th -
Sunrise Service - 6:00am (outside back parking lot)
2nd Service - 8:30am (sanctuary)
3rd Service - 10:30am (sanctuary)
Please do! We encourage every believer to invite their friends and family out to any of our Passion Week events.
Come as you are. At Calvary La Habra, we are pretty casual in the way we dress. We know God cares about the attitude of our hearts, not what we wear on the outside.
Yes! Childcare will be provided for all of our Passion Week services. Ages 6months - high school have their own class room services. Visit our “Children’s Ministry” wing located next to our Sanctuary.
We are so exciting you will be joining us for the first time! Be sure to visit our Welcome Tent located in the front of the Sanctuary with any questions you may have.