Our in-person service times:
Wednesday Nights: 5pm-6pm and Home Groups from 7pm-8pm
Sunday Mornings: 9am-10am and 11am-12pm
Doors open 30 minutes before each service
All services will continue to be broadcasted live online.
Our Re-opening Plan
Upon arrival:
As you enter the various rooms on property, you will be greeted by leaders who will assist you in taking your temperature and providing hand sanitizer.
Families with younger children (12 and under) are encouraged to enjoy service in the Cafe, where our Children’s Ministry will provide pre-packaged and sanitized activity sheets.
As we get back together, let’s be patient and honor an appropriately healthy distance between family groups in order to minimize the potential spread of any viruses. For the time being, please refrain from physical contact with those outside your family unit (ie. hugging, handshakes, etc.).
Please have a mask ready to wear before/after service while socializing.
During Service:
Our Sanctuary, Cafe, and Mini Chapel, and other group assembly rooms are set up with seating that respects social distancing guidelines.
Assistants/leaders. Each area will have teams of leaders that will assist you in seating.
All family groups are to sit together during service.
Once our service begins, with those sitting with their families 6 feet apart from others, you will have the freedom to remove your masks during the service.
Before and after services, we ask that you respect social distancing guidelines.
After Service:
Before and after services, we ask that you respect social distancing guidelines.
You are welcome to hang out after service, but we will be sanitizing the rooms in between services, so please do so outside.
Do I have to wear a mask?
As you may know, California has made it mandatory to wear masks outside of our homes.
In keeping in line with our state’s requirements of social distancing and wearing masks, we ask that you bring a mask with you to church and wear it if interacting with others at a distance closer than 6 feet.
Please have a mask ready to wear before/after service while socializing.
What about social distancing ?
Our Sanctuary, Cafe, and Mini Chapel, and other group assembly rooms are set up with seating that respects social distancing guidelines.
As we get back together, let’s be patient and honor an appropriately healthy distance between family groups in order to minimize the potential spread of any viruses. For the time being, please refrain from physical contact with those outside your family unit (ie. hugging, handshakes, etc.).
Before and after services, we ask that you respect social distancing guidelines.
What about my kids?
Again, all family groups are to sit together in service.
Families with younger children (12 and under) are encouraged to enjoy service in the Cafe together, where our Children’s Ministry will provide pre-packaged and sanitized activity sheets.
Before and after services, we are asking parents to keep their children close to them.
When should I stay home and watch online?
We ask that anyone who has any health concerns to please enjoy our services from home, or in the church parking lot, tuning in to 88.5FM.
Additionally, please ensure that NONE of the following applies to you or your family before joining us for in-person service:
Myself or someone in my group has had a fever of 100 degrees or higher in the past 14 days.
Myself or someone in my group has shown flu symptoms in the past 14 days.
Myself or someone in my group has had prolonged exposure to someone who has tested positive to COVID-19 in the past 14 days.