Voices For Truth
Voices For Truth is a ministry of Calvary La Habra focused on equipping our church to be biblical citizens, and to care for those without a voice.
We desire to be a Voice for Truth in our Church and in the public square.
As believers, we are to be salt and light in the world, a commission we must take seriously.
We accomplish this goal by focusing on 4 main areas that allow us to have a significant Voice For Truth.
4 Areas of Focus:
In the World
1. The Unborn
We believe in the sanctity of human life, and that every human being has inherent dignity and worth. The value of human life is unconditional because God, the Author of life, has created all humans in His image and likeness.
2. School-age Children in Public Schools
Designed to help parents learn from experts, and take an in-depth look at issues facing children and parents in our local school districts.
We receive help from Karen England, President of Capitol Resource Institute, and host of “Kitchen Table Activist." She explains the real truth behind “Book Banning,” exposing the already present, sexually explicit books on the shelves of school and classroom libraries, and gives us the tools to take action!
As Biblical Citizens
3. Election Responsibility
Voter guides
Ballot collection
Understanding propositions
Voter Registration help
4. Legislative & Social Updates
Legislation & Action Alerts: There are thousands of bills being introduced every year in California. We help you stay up to date with state and federal legislation.
We will provide timely action alerts that notify you when to take simple and effective action.
Get Involved
We meet once a month (or more, if needed) on Tuesday nights in the Palm Room.
If you want to be a part of the Voices For Truth ministry group, please click here.
If you are interested in being a voice for the unborn specifically, consider joining our Committed To Life Ministry. Click below to learn more:
Committed To Life (being a voice for the unborn)
Visit our Serving At La Habra page here to learn how you can get better connected within our church.
Additional Contact Information
If you have any questions regarding this ministry, email below and a leader will reply:
Attention: Voices of Truth info@calvarylh.org
Check out a few past studies regarding these issues:
Truth Talks
Visit our Truth Talks page: a resource page to inform and equip Christians on cultural issues that affect the church.
Contact leader of this Ministry
Randy Dickinson