Welcoming Ministry Info

Ministry Leaders

Committed Men: Carlos Aguirre + Jason Stead + Ed Lopez + John Busch

Men’s Wise Fellowship: Ed Lopez

Women’s Ministry: Lori Cook + Sarah Esquivel + Stephanie Greer

Beauty for Ashes: Lori Cook

Young Adults: Chad Bell

High School: Trevor Burchill

Jr. High: Michael Rodriguez

Children’s Ministry: Jose + Joy Crugeiras + David and Jennifer Palmquist + Tony and Kristin Trivison

Homeschool Ministry (CCS): Lori Cook + Sarah Esquivel + Xochilt De La Cueva + Vickie Munoz

Young Marrieds: Trevor and Anita Davidson + Trevor and Kelci Burchill + Mikey and Isabel Rodriguez

Facilities: Trevor Burchill + David Greer

Greeters: John Busch

Parking Lot: Carlos Aguirre + Carlos Galvez

Ushers: Nick Robles + Shannon Maley

Resource Center: Oscar + Xochilt De La Cueva

Salt and Light: Randy Dickinson

Committed To Life: Randy Dickinson

Convalescent: John Busch

Spanish Ministry: Gabe Jauregui

Japanese Ministry: June Takii

Missions: Kayla Cook

Disaster Relief: Mike Nelson


Men’s Events:

  • Wise Fellowship at 8am

  • Men’s Study at 6:30pm

Women’s Events:

  • Women’s Brunch 5/4 at 11am

  • Women’s Study 5/8 at 6pm & 5/9 at 10am

Youth Events:

  • Youth Discipleship 5/3 at 6pm

Other Events This Month:

  • Foundations of the Faith 4/29 at 7pm